D20r:Investing Feats II

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If you have thirteen points invested in this feat, you may make an additional attack with this swift action at the same attack bonus.
If you have thirteen points invested in this feat, you may make an additional attack with this swift action at the same attack bonus.
===Lightning Dodge [Investing]===
''Prerequisites:'' Dexterity 13, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes
''Benefit:'' If you are attacked by the target of your dodge feat in melee and still may make an attack of opportunity this round, you may forgo your attack of opportunity this round (or one of them for this round if you have the Combat Reflexes feat) and make a 5' step.
''Investiture:'' If you have at least 8 points of prowess invested in this feat, you may instead teleport to the other side of your attacker, directly into a position that would have provided flanking for your original space. When you do this, your body becomes like a living spark and you pass through your target, dealing 1d6 points of electricity damage per four points of prowess invested in this feat.
===Pin Opponent [Investing]===
===Pin Opponent [Investing]===

Revision as of 23:54, 25 August 2010

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