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'''At Will (Su):''' ''(You're on your own, Fax)''
'''Oracular Shielding (Su):''' As a standard action, you may grant all allies within 60' two of the following properties for one round: Spell Resistance equal to your druid level + 4; Fast Healing equal to your Charisma modifier; an insight bonus on saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier; or an insight bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.
'''Encounter (Su):''' ''(You're on your own, Fax)''
'''Prescient Strike (Sp):''' Once per encounter, you may gain the sneak attack ability (as a rogue). This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to your druid level. You deal a number of sneak attack dice equal to one-half your druid level.
'''Daily (Su):''' ''(You're on your own, Fax)''
'''Spawn of the Stars (Su):''' Once per day, as a standard action, you may summon an advanced aboleth with HD equal to your druid level. It appears and may act immediately, and remains for a number of rounds equal to your druid level plus your Charisma modifier, or until slain. It follows your telepathic commands without question.
'''Passive (Su):''' ''(You're on your own, Fax)''
'''Aura of Fortune (Su):''' You gain a +4 luck bonus to your saving throws and Armor Class. Allies within 20' of you gain a +2 luck bonus to their saving throws and Armor Class. Enemies within that same area take a -2 penalty to saving throws and Armor Class. You gain Spell Resistance equal to your druid level + 4.
'''Nature's Sign (Su):''' ''(You're on your own, Fax)''
'''Nature's Sign (Su):''' Your eyes glow with a golden light, and your skin becomes black as night. Etched across your skin, points of light burst forth, describing constellations. This is very unsettling for most people, so you suffer a -6 penalty on Diplomacy checks made against non-Aberration creatures. When you activate your abilities, these constellations flare brightly. Small motes of light and planet-like rocks orbit you slowly, and creatures within 20' of you feel short of breath.
'''Call:''' ''(You're on your own, Fax)''
'''Call:''' ''(Aboleth)''

Revision as of 02:26, 13 August 2010

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