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'''Talon Rake (Ex):''' As a standard action, you may make an attack with your talons. You may take a -4 penalty on this attack roll to add an additional 1d6 damage to the attack. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when using your talon rake.
'''Silent Swoop (Ex):''' Once per encounter as a standard action, you may move up to your speed and make a single attack against a foe, who is considered flat-footed. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity at any point during this movement. You may substitute a talon rake for the attack.
'''Predatory Perch (Su):''' Once per day, you may stand perfectly still for 1 round, taking no actions except to look around. If left undisturbed, you regain 2d8 hit points, and get a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for the next three rounds against any enemy you have line of sight to during your perch.
'''Silent Hunter (Su):''' You acquire talons as natural weapons while this bond is active (1d6 slashing). You get a +2 bonus to attacks made against flying creatures, and a +2 bonus to attacks made against creatures of a lower size category. You gain a +4 bonus to Search and Stealth checks.
'''Nature's Sign (Su):''' Your eyes become yellow-tinted, and you have difficulty adjusting your gaze without turning your head. You become slightly farsighted. You develop slight feathering around your eyes and ears, and your fingers become stiffer and grow talons.
'''Call (Su):''' If called forth, the Owl spirit emerges as an advanced owl with 2 HD. The Owl spirit has the talon rake, silent swoop, predatory perch and silent hunter abilities. The Owl spirit will remain for a number of rounds equal to 2 plus your Charisma modifier.

Revision as of 17:36, 17 May 2010

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