D20r:Investing Feats II

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(Lightning Dodge [Investing])
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===Brutal Precision [Investing]===
===Brutal Precision [Investing]===
''Prerequisites:'' Dexterity 13, Point Blank Shot
''Prerequisites:'' Dexterity 13, Point Blank Shot
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If you have at least five points of prowess invested in this feat, you may ignore the maximum Strength bonus allowed by of your weapon.
If you have at least five points of prowess invested in this feat, you may ignore the maximum Strength bonus allowed by of your weapon.
===Evasive Dodge [Investing]===
''Prerequisites:'' Dexterity 13, Dodge
''Benefit:'' You may substitute a 5' step for an attack of opportunity. This action still consumes your attack of opportunity for the round (or one of them if you have a feat that grants you multiple attacks of opportunity in a round like Combat Reflexes).
''Investing:'' For every ten points invested in this feat, increase the range of your 5' step by 5', so that if you have 10 points invested in this feat and you utilize its ability, you may immediately move 10' as if you had used two 5' steps in rapid succession.
''Normal:'' You may only make a single melee attack as an attack of opportunity.
===Flick of the Wrist [Investing]===
===Flick of the Wrist [Investing]===
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If you have thirteen points invested in this feat, you may make an additional attack with this swift action at the same attack bonus.
If you have thirteen points invested in this feat, you may make an additional attack with this swift action at the same attack bonus.
===Hamstring [Investing]===
''Prerequisites:'' Dexterity 15, Flick of the Wrist; Sneak Attack +1d6 '''or''' Ambush +1d4 '''or''' Sneaky Tricks +1d4
''Benefit:'' If you successfully deal Sneak Attack, Ambush, or Sneaky Tricks damage to an opponent, they take a -10' penalty to all movement speeds for one round. Oozes, incorporeal creatures, and creatures who move without using limbs are immune to this effect.
''Investing:'' If you have at least 13 prowess invested in this feat, you inflict a -20' penalty instead.
''Normal:'' You only deal damage with Sneak Attack, Ambush, or Sneaky Tricks.
===Lightning Dodge [Investing]===
===Lightning Dodge [Investing]===
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''Special:'' You may not utilize this feat in conjunction with Ranged Bull-Rush or Pin Opponent.
''Special:'' You may not utilize this feat in conjunction with Ranged Bull-Rush or Pin Opponent.
===Skewer [Investing]===
''Prerequisites:'' Trained in Grapple; Sneak Attack +1d6 '''or''' Ambush +1d4 '''or''' Sneaky Tricks +1d4
''Benefit:'' As a standard action, you may make a grapple check to grab an adjacent foe. If your roll beats their Grapple Defense, you immediately grab them and may make a single attack at your full Base Attack Bonus. If you hit with your attack, add your Sneak Attack, Ambush, and Sneaky Tricks damage (if any) to the damage total. Your foe must also make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the number of Sneak Attack, Ambush, and Sneaky Tricks dice you rolled + your Strength modifier) or be nauseated for one round. You and your foe are not considered grappling, and you cannot begin or maintain a grapple from this action, nor can you pin an opponent with this action.
''Investing:'' You deal additional damage when utilizing this feat equal to the amount of prowess invested in it.
''Normal:'' You must spend an action after initiating a grapple in order to secure a hold, and may then spend additional actions to further grapple them. Your attacks made while in a grapple do not add your Sneak Attack, Ambush, or Sneaky Tricks damage unless they would otherwise qualify for such abilities.
===Sidestep [Investing]===
''Prerequisites:'' Dexterity 13
''Benefit:'' Once per round, when you succeed on an attack against an opponent, you may immediately take a 5' step even if you have already used your 5' step for this round, have already moved in this round, or it is not currently your turn.
''Investing:'' For each six points invested in this feat, you may use it one additional time per round.
''Normal:'' You may only 5' step once per round, and only on your turn.

Current revision as of 23:41, 28 September 2010

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