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For those with Character Points to spare...
For those with Character Points to spare...
=== Example ===
== A ==
== A ==
=== Acid Adaptation ===
:''Cost'': 2 character points
:''Benefit'': The character has adapted to highly acidic environments. They are immune to the poisonous effects of acid fumes, and have 3 Acid Resistance.
* (7 points) The resistance to acid damage becomes a complete immunity to Acid damage.
=== Acid Resistance ===
:''Cost'': 1 character point
:''Benefit'': The character isn't burned as much by acids. Gain 1 Acid Resistance. Note that this only protects against acid ''damage'', not the poisonous effects of acid fumes!
* (1 point, repeatable) Add one more point of Acid Resistance.
=== Alternate Form ===
:''Cost'': 15 character points
:''Benefit'': A character with this Tag has the ability to assume one or more specific alternate forms. A ''true seeing'' spell or ability reveals the character’s natural form. A character using alternate form reverts to its natural form when killed, but separated body parts retain their shape. A character cannot use alternate form to take the form of a creature with a template. Assuming an alternate form results in the following changes to the creature:
    *  The creature retains the type and subtype of its original form. It gains the size of its new form. If the new form has the aquatic subtype, the creature gains that subtype as well.
    * The creature loses the natural weapons, natural armor, and movement modes of its original form, as well as any extraordinary special attacks of its original form not derived from class levels (such as the barbarian’s rage class feature).
    * The creature gains the natural weapons, natural armor, movement modes, and extraordinary special attacks of its new form.
    * The creature retains the special qualities of its original form. It does not gain any special qualities of its new form.
    * The creature retains the spell-like abilities and supernatural attacks of its old form (except for breath weapons and gaze attacks). It does not gain the spell-like abilities or attacks of its new form.
    * The creature gains the physical ability scores (Str, Dex, Con) of its new form. It retains the mental ability scores (Int, Wis, Cha) of its original form. Apply any changed physical ability score modifiers in all appropriate areas with one exception: the creature retains the hit points of its original form despite any change to its Constitution.
    * The creature retains its hit points and save bonuses, although its save modifiers may change due to a change in ability scores.
    * Except as described elsewhere, the creature retains all other game statistics of its original form, including (but not necessarily limited to) HD, hit points, skill ranks, feats, base attack bonus, and base save bonuses.
    * The creature retains any spellcasting ability it had in its original form, although it must be able to speak intelligibly to cast spells with verbal components and it must have humanlike hands to cast spells with somatic components.
    * The creature is effectively camouflaged as a creature of its new form, and it gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it uses this ability to create a disguise.
    * Any gear worn or carried by the creature that can’t be worn or carried in its new form instead falls to the ground in its space. If the creature changes size, any gear it wears or carries that can be worn or carried in its new form changes size to match the new size. (Nonhumanoid-shaped creatures can’t wear armor designed for humanoid-shaped creatures, and vice versa.) Gear returns to normal size if dropped.
(((TO ADD)))
:''Special'': This Tag may be taken multiple times. Each time, add a different alternate form.
=== Animal Friendship ===
:''Cost'': 2 character points
:''Benefit'': The character has an instinctive empathy towards animals. They can make Diplomacy checks towards animals.
* (1 point, repeatable) +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks towards animals.
=== Appearance ===
:''Cost'': 1 character point
:''Benefit'': The character is significantly more attractive than their Charisma score would otherwise imply. They gain a +2 bonus to all Charisma-related checks against beings who actively appreciate their beauty, and a +1 bonus to all Charisma-related checks against beings with some appreciation for their beauty. (For example, a human female would get a +2 bonus against heterosexual humanoid males and homosexual humanoid females and a +1 bonus against heterosexual humanoid females, homosexual humanoid males, and beings with a non-attraction-based appreciation of beauty such as Angels.)
* (2 points) Double both bonuses.
* (1 point) The character's beauty is considered statuesque - the +1 bonus to beings with some appreciation for beauty becomes +2.
* (1 point) The character's beauty is a little more obviously sexual - the +2 bonus to things who would be attracted to them becomes +3. You can't take this and the statuesque Modifiers together.
=== Aura of Guidance ===
:''Cost'': 4 points
:''Benefit'': The character has a talent for being the eye in a storm, able to direct people in dangerous situations. They can mobilize entire crowds of people, or direct them in a storm. This has a few benefits:
* In a situation where there is mass panic, they can attempt to calm the crowd by making a Diplomacy check. If a Fear effect (magical or otherwise) caused the panic, the DC is equal to the Save DC of that fear effect plus five. A crowd successfully calmed by this effect is considered Friendly to the user.
* A crowd that listens to them can be inspired to action by their words. While getting them to take actions that are dangerous to them are difficult (Diplomacy DC 20, increase for increased danger, if they're not already Friendly, or both), you can easily direct them to safety, motivate them to build fortifications, or the like.
* (1 point) The character gains a +4 to Diplomacy checks for the use of Aura of Guidance.
* (1 point) They are especially good at riling people up into an angry mob. Successful checks to inspire action may cause the crowd to pull pitchforks and torches seemingly out of nowhere.
* (1 point) After inspiring action, they can stick around to guide that action and make it work more efficiently. (Precise effects are up to the GM and depend on the action inspired.)
== B ==
== B ==
== C ==  
=== Base Attack Boost ===
:''Cost'': 6 character points
:''Benefit'': Regardless of the weapon, regardless of whether they're in a foe's face or at a distance, the character knows how to hit things, work around armor, and the like, far better than an average person of their class and level. +1 to Base Attack Bonus (looping to extra attacks as normal.)
* (6 points, repeatable) Another +1 to BAB.
== C ==
=== Change Shape ===
:''Cost'': 4 character points
:''Benefit'': The character has the ability to assume the appearance of a specific creature or type of creature (usually a humanoid), but retains most of its own physical qualities. A true seeing  spell or ability reveals the creature’s natural form. A creature using change shape reverts to its natural form when killed, but separated body parts retain their shape. A creature cannot use change shape to take the form of a creature with a template. Details:
    * The creature retains the type and subtype of its original form. It gains the size of its new form.
    * The creature loses the natural weapons and movement modes of its original form, as well as any extraordinary special attacks of its original form not derived from class levels (such as the barbarian’s rage class feature).
    * The creature gains the natural weapons, movement modes, and extraordinary special attacks of its new form.
    * The creature retains all other special attacks and qualities of its original form, except for breath weapons and gaze attacks.
    * The creature retains the ability scores of its original form.
    * Except as described elsewhere, the creature retains all other game statistics of its original form, including (but not necessarily limited to) HD, hit points, skill ranks, feats, base attack bonus, and base save bonuses.
    * The creature retains any spellcasting ability it had in its original form, although it must be able to speak intelligibly to cast spells with verbal components and it must have humanlike hands to cast spells with somatic components.
    * The creature is effectively camouflaged as a creature of its new form, and gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it uses this ability to create a disguise.
    * Any gear worn or carried by the creature that can’t be worn or carried in its new form instead falls to the ground in its space. If the creature changes size, any gear it wears or carries that can be worn or carried in its new form changes size to match the new size. (Nonhumanoid-shaped creatures can’t wear armor designed for humanoid-shaped creatures, and viceversa.) Gear returns to normal size if dropped.
:As a rule, Change Shape does not provide for an increase in the character's abilities; see Alternate form for that. A character should have at least one natural weapon if their Change Shape is to a form with natural weapons, and at least one special movement mode if their Change Shape is to a form with special movement modes.
* (-2 points) The character's control over the transformation is incomplete somehow.
* (3 points) The character can take their alternate form's natural weapons without having natural weapons themselves.
* (4 points) The character can take their alternate form's special movement modes without having any special movement modes themselves.
* (0 points) The character can only change their personal cosmetic details. They don't lose any natural weapons or special movement modes, but can change their features as follows: a 10% size increase or decrease, change of gender, 50% age increase or decrease, colour changes (eye, skin, or hair), and minor physical changes (shape of ears, facial features, or bodily proportions). The Disguise bonus becomes +15 when using this, instead of +10.
:''Special'': This ability may be taken twice - once for a full form shift, and once for changing cosmetic details.
=== Cold Adaptation ===
:''Cost'': 2 character points
:''Benefit'': The character has adapted to cold environments, able to handle chill for much longer than a normal human. The character does not need to make saves in cold weather (below 40 degrees F or 5 C), and in severely cold weather (Below 0 degrees F or -18 C), only need to make saves every hour instead of every ten minutes. In Extreme cold (Below -20 degrees F or -29 C), they only need to make saves every five minutes instead of every one. They also gain 3 Cold Resistance.
* (7 points) The resistance to Cold damage becomes immunity to Cold damage - including the nonlethal damage associated with cold-condition saves.
=== Cold Resistance ===
:''Cost'': 1 character point
:''Benefit'': The character handles cold-related damage, such as bolts of ice, better than most. Gain 1 Cold Resistance.
* (1 point, repeatable) Add one more point of Cold Resistance.
=== Contamination ===
:''Cost'': 6 points
:''Benefit'': The character's species' nature is infectious in one or another form, able to transform other beings into creatures like them.
: Contamination requires the victim be willing, unconscious, or restrained, or the target might have to do something unusual to cause it to take effect.
: The transformation occurs over several weeks - This could represent the infection gestating before suddenly, "explosively" taking effect, or the creature slowly transforming.
: The end results of the contamination, however, are fairly stable - the creature acquires a series of new Tags, representing new advantages and weaknesses of their new form. (Common ones would include Cursed, Marked, Permanent (for powers now locked in place), and Owned.) The creature must have Nerf tags equal in value to at least half the value of Buff tags, but ''can'' gain character points overall from the transformation. If the results have the Nerf value ''exceeding'' the Buff value, the character gains Character Points equal to the difference times two, which they can use at a reasonable juncture.
: The character may need to be reclassified as an NPC. Recollection of their former existence may vary by the effect.
: An alternative use of this attribute can be used to represent inflicting the target with diseases or curses - rapid aging or weakness to a specific element.
* (4 points) Contamination is easier - a bite, scratch, or other attack could be enough to do it.
* (4 points, repeatable) Contamination is faster - from weeks to days. If repeated, go to hours, minutes, rounds, one round, or even instantaneously.
== D ==
== D ==
=== Damage Reduction ===
:''Cost'': 4 points
:''Benefit'': The character's body regenerates (partially) from injuries instantly. They gain Damage Reduction 1/-.
* (4 points, repeatable) Add another 1 to their Damage Reduction.
* (-1 points) The Damage Reduction fails against magically-enhanced weapons of a +3 bonus.
* (-2 points) The Damage Reduction fails against magically-enhanced weapons of a +2 bonus.
* (-3 points) The Damage Reudction fails against magically-enhanced weapons of a +1 bonus.
* (-3 points) The Damage Reduction fails against either Silver or Cold Iron. (-4 if both.)
=== Darkness Creation ===
:''Cost'': 3 points
:''Benefit'': The character is able to create an area of darkness in a 30' radius area. This darkness is not magical, so abilities such as Darkvision will still work.
* (2 points) The darkness IS magical, and thus will disable Darkvision.
* (2 points, repeatable) Extend the effected area by 15'.
=== Darkvision ===
:''Cost'': 4 points
:''Benefit'': The character has Darkvision out to 60'
* (-1 point) The character's Darkvision only goes out to 30'.
* (1 point) The character's Darkvision goes out to 90'.
=== Dynamic Magic ===
:''Cost'': 10 Character Points
:''Benefit'': The character's talents for magic (or another form of reality bending) extend well beyond what an ordinary class could use. They can cast ''all'' 0th-level spells and psionic abilities.
: Their abilities still qualify as either Arcane, Divine, or Psionic in origin - for example, if they are Arcane-based, they can cast ''Cure Minor Wounds'' as an Arcane spell of 0th level. If they have a primary-caster class, the type relevant to that class is the type for all their spells.
: They do, however, have a character-level-based limit on their ability to cast spells - automatically using the [ Spell Points] variant, gaining a Spell Point supply as if they were a Wizard/Sorcerer/Cleric. However, they do not need to specify which spells they have prepared for the day for Dynamic Magic.
: Their Dynamic Magic Spell Points ''replace'' any spells-per-day counts they may have, but not things such as Domain spell slots or spell-like abilities.
: Dynamic Magic can also produce effects not like any spell, but proportionate in power to a spell; in other words (WITH GM APPROVAL), the Dynamic Magician can create pretty much any homebrew spell they can imagine.
: Metamagic feats are ''not'' automatically included in Dynamic Magic, but may be taken as usual, costing additional Spell Points (the first option for them).
* (10 points) The caster has their Spell Points from Dynamic Magic ''in addition to'' (rather than replacing) their normal spells per day.
* (5 points, repeatable) One Metamagic feat can be used to modify a Dynamic Magic three times a day with no Spell Point cost.
* (10 points) One Metamagic feat that the character already has is ''inherently'' part of their magic, modifiying any spell that that feat could be applied to automatically at no Spell Point cost.
* (10 points, repeatable up to nine times) The character can cast spells of one spell level higher. For example, if they take this three times, you can cast third-level spells. (This is the 'Level' modifier, and is also a per-level modifier.)
* (Double the cost of the Tag and all add-to-the-cost, per-level modifiers) The character can use all spells available to them under the attribute as an at-will spell-like ability, without limit.
* (-3 points, repeatable once for each Level modifier taken) The character ''does'' have to prepare spells per day - preparing them as a Wizard of their level would.
* (-5 points, repeatable once for each level modifier taken) The character's has access to a significant number of spells of the same level through a class. (That is, the class only provides them access to effects of the same level ''beyond'' what their class could do.)
* (-4 points, repeatable once for each level modifier taken) The character's array of magic is limited to a fairly wide theme, and the player's ability to creatively word spells to suit that theme. (A Flame-based Dynamic Magician could probably say most enchantments are the manipulation of emotional flame metaphors, and chromatic orbs are multicolored flames, for example - but no Ice as the absence of fire.)
''Special'': The per-level modifiers that lower the cost, added together, cannot be worth more than one less than the total cost, per level, of the attribute and modifiers. For example, if a character is spending 20 per level for limitless casting, they can take as many as 19 points of cost-lowering modifiers per level.
== E ==
== E ==
=== Elasticity ===
:''Cost'': 4 points
:''Benefit'': The character's limbs are able to bend or strech far beyond what a normal human can do. +2 to all Grappling-related checks.
* (4 points) The character's limbs can strech far longer than normal. They can attack opponents up to 15' away with a typical melee weapon.
=== Enhanced Evasion ===
:''Cost'': 6 points
:''Benefit'': The character is good at avoiding and blocking attacks. When focusing on an opponent (they may change their focus during their turn), they gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. Against all other opponents, they gain a +1 dodge bonus. This does not apply when they are considered flat-footed.
* (4 points, repeatable) Add +1 to each count.
* (4 points) The character is good at avoiding attacks of opportunity. When entering or leaving a threatened area, they gain a +4 dodge bonus against the Attack of Opportunity.
=== Extra Arms ===
:''Cost'': 5 points
:''Benefit'': The character has one item-manipulating limb more than is usual for a humanoid. This can take several forms - whether it's literal extra arms, a prehensile tail, or more unusual things like the character's hair being animate.
* (4 points) The extra arm can have a magic item on it without counting for the usual limits. This would usually mean a ring or glove, but adaptation might be necessary (animate hair, for example, might mean making custom hairpins that, while cost-wise identical to rings, work only when worn on hair, but can be worn alongside another head item).
* (4 points) The character's extra limb can perform a distinct partial action. The most common example would be attacking with that limb while using a magic item, or attacking even more.
* (4 points) The character has learned how to use the extra limb well in combat. The limb counts as an off-hand, and the character gains the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat with it and their usual off-hand.
:''Special'': This Tag may be taken multiple times. Each time means one more limb. If they have it more than twice, lower the cost of all by 1 each. If they have it more than five times, two each, and ten times, three each.
=== Extra Attacks ===
:''Cost'': 10 points
:''Benefit'': The character can make an additional one attack in a standard action at their full Base Attack Bonus... ''or'', if they have two weapons, they can make an attack with each with ''no'' penalties, instead of the usual Two-Weapon Fighting penalties. When making a full attack, they still get the additional unpenalized attack on top.
* (10 points, repeatable) The character make one attack with a weapon in each hand at no penalty, and make an additional attack on top. Each repeat after the first is one more additional attack, alternating weapons.
== F ==
== F ==
=== Features ===
:''Cost'': 1 point
:''Benefit'': The character has cool minor features that an ordinary human wouldn't have. Examples include, but are not limited to, a homing instinct, enhanced longevity, insect-like moulting, a stomach pouch (like a kangaroo's!), electronic diagnostics equipment, a high-end gyrocompass, self-cleaning mechanisms... You get the idea. Things that aren't massively consequential, but are still kinda cool.
:''Special'': This attribute is repeatable. Each time it is taken represents a seperate cool minor feature.
=== Flight ===
:''Cost'': 7 points
:''Benefit'': The character is able to fly, gaining a fly speed of 50 feet (or 35 feet if carrying a medium or heavy load). They can ascend at half speed, and descend at double speed, with good maneuverability. Flight only requires as much concentration as walking, so they can attack or cast spells as normal.
* (-2 points) The flight has poor maneuverability instead of good.
* (-3 points) reduce the fly speed by 10.
* (3 points, repeatable) Add 10 feet to the fly speed.
* (4 points) The flight has perfect maneuverability instead of good
=== Force Field ===
:''Cost'': 8 Points
:''Benefit'': The character can project force fields to protect themselves and allies against damage. The field covers a spherical range, and glows slightly. The field starts with 10 force points, recovering 5 each round, or 10 if the character leaves the field down. Any damage dealt to a character within the force field is first dealt to the field's force points. The field defaultly covers the caster and all squares within one tile of him. The field prevents moving as if it were a wall with its current force point count in hardness.
* (-3 points) The field is two-way - attacks going out are blocked too.
* (-3 points) The field only protects the caster.
* (-3 points) The field is a two-dimensional wall, ten feet wide and tall. It only prevents movement or attacks going across it. (Mutually exclusive with 'only protects the caster')
* (-3 points) Activating the field drains casting energy - the field is activated as if spontaneously casting a spell, only getting 5 force points per spell level, and ''not'' regenerating.
* (-2 points) The character cannot move while the field is up.
* (3 points, repeatable) Add 5 force points to the field.
* (3 points, repeatable) The field can go out one tile further, or if it is a wall, add 10' to both dimensions.
* (3 points) The field doesn't allow air (or gas attacks and the like) through.
* (3 points) The field has the Ghost Touch property - incorporeal creatures cannot cross it.
* (3 points) The field prevents teleportation through it.
* (5 points) The field counter-attacks - when struck, the attacking individual takes 1d4 magic damage for every 10 force points in the field's ''maximum'' force points. Specify which type of damage during the creation of the field.
* (4 points) The field regenerates 10 HP if the caster focuses (a partial action).
== G ==
== G ==
== H ==
== H ==
=== Healthy ===
:''Cost'': 3 points
:''Benefit'': The character is tougher than most, gaining 4+CON HP. (This does ''not'' count for their Hit Dice or any other effects.)
* (1 point, repeatable) Gain another 1 HP.
=== Healing ===
:''Cost'': 8 points
:''Benefit'': The character has an exceptional talent for healing others. If they have a spellcasting class and cannot already do so, you gain the ability to spontaneously cast ''Cure'' spells, as a Cleric would. If you don't (or already could), you can make a Heal check (DC 10) as a standard action, restoring 1 point of HP for every 3 above the DC on roll you made. You also do this as a side effect of other Heal checks (with their respective DCs as the base, instead of 10).
* (4 points) You restore 1 HP for every 2 above the DC, instead of 3.
* (4 points) You can use Heal checks ''as well as'' spontaneously cast ''Cure'' spells.
=== Heat Adaptation ===
:''Cost'': 2 character points
:''Benefit'': The character is adapated to hot environments. The character does not need to make saves in very hot conditions (over 90 degrees F or 33 C), and only needs to make a save every hour (instead of every ten minutes) in severe heat (over 110 degrees F or 44 C). In extreme heat, the character only needs to make a save every ten minutes (instead of every five). They also gain 3 Fire resistance.
* (7 points) The resistance to Fire damage becomes immunity to Fire damage - including the nonlethal damage associated with hot-condition saves.
=== Heat Resistance ===
:''Cost'': 1 character point
:''Benefit'': The character handles cold-related damage, such as fire breath, better than most. Gain 1 Fire Resistance.
* (1 point, repeatable) Add one more point of Fire Resistance.
=== Heightened Awareness ===
:''Cost'': 1 points
:''Benefit'': The character's senses and situational awareness are above average +2 to Awareness, +1 to Search.
* (1 point, repeatable) Another +2 to Awareness and +1 to Search.
=== Honed Hearing ===
:''Cost'': 3 points
:''Benefit'': The character's ears are ''much'' better than normal. +10 to Awareness checks where their ears can reasonably help.
=== Honed Sight ===
:''Cost'': 4 points
:''Benefit'': The character's eyesight is ''much'' better than normal. +10 to Awareness checks where their eyes can reasonably help, and +5 to Search checks.
=== Hunger Resistance ===
:''Cost'': 2 character points
:''Benefit'': The character is better able to handle starvation and dehydration - they only need to make checks against starvation every week (instead of every day), and dehydration every day (instead of every hour).
* (3 points) The character doesn't need food or drink at all. (This doesn't necessarily mean they don't ''want'' it, or cannot eat food, though.)
== I ==
== I ==
=== Immunity ===
:''Cost'': 20 points
:''Benefit'': The character is completely immune to a specific type of damage (such as fire or cold).
* (GM's Fiat) The element is more precise, or more primal. (Immunity to weaponry could run over 60 points, for example.)
=== Improved Critical ===
:''Cost'': 8 points
:''Benefit'': The character has exceptional luck and talent for making perfect hits on opponents - double all critical threat ranges (i.e. 19-20 becomes 17-20, a normal becomes 19-20).
* (-4 points) This only applies when using one weapon - as the Improved Critical feat.
=== Insubstantiality ===
:''Cost'': 10 points
:''Benefit'': Your density is lower than should be possible, allowing you to pass right through paper, cloth, wood, water, and flesh. You can suppress this ability at any time. (Don't confuse this with Incorpreality.)
* (-5 points) Only paper and cloth.
* (-5 points per modifier taken, then 5 more) You ''can't'' turn this ability off!
* (10 points) Also rocks and earth.
* (10 points, requires rocks/earth) Also iron and steel.
* (5 points, requires iron/steel) Also lead and gold.
* (10 points, requires lead/gold) You can even pass through energy fields unaffected!
=== Invisibility ===
:''Cost'': 6 points
:''Benefit'': The character can become invisible, as per the spell ''Invisibility''.
* (10 points) As the spell ''Greater Invisibility''.
== J ==
== J ==
=== Jumping ===
:''Cost'': 1 point
:''Benefit'': The character's ability to jump is far, ''far'' beyond human normal. Add +10 to Athletics checks related to jumping.
* (1 point, repeatable) Another +10.
== K ==
== K ==
== L ==
== L ==
=== Light Ccontrol ===
:''Cost'': 3 points
:''Benefit'': The character can create light in one form or another - a ball in their hands, their body glowing, or the like. The resulting light glows for 30' in all directions, and will effect creatures vulnerable to sunlight.
* (2 points, repeatable) The light can affect a greater area - add 15' to the range of the glow.
=== Leadership ===
:''Cost'': 4 points
:''Benefit'': As the ''Leadership'' Feat. You are able to attract a group of loyal followers to help you out in various roles. A Rogue who has gathered a small band of thieves, a Wizard with his apprentices, or that douche at your high school who has a group of sycophantic allies are all prime examples of people with this Tag.
* (6 points) Add 1 to the level of all Followers.
* (5 points) Add 1 to the level of your Cohort.
* (4 points) +3 to your Leadership score.
* (4 points) You may take this Tag before level 6th, ''if'' your level + Charisma modifier = 6 or more.
:''Special'': You cannot take this Tag and the Leadership Feat. If you take the Leadership Feat, you may add modifiers from this tag as if you had taken this tag instead of the Leadership Feat.
You must take this tag after attaining sixth level, unless a purchased modifier allows otherwise. Your base Leadership score (Level + CHA Mod) must be 6 to do this.
=== Ludicrous Luck ===
:''Cost'': 2 points
:''Benefit'': Your character is just plain luckier than most, gaining one Luck Charge (which is restored after an Extended Rest). A Luck Charge may be used to turn a critical failure into a non-critical failure, automatically confirm a critical hit on a natural 20, or to reroll an attack roll, skill check, or other d20 roll - but you HAVE to take the second result. (Yes, if you have several Luck Charges, you can use them repeatedly on the same check.)
* (2 points, repeatable) Gain an additional Luck Charge
* (-2 points) Your luck occasionally turns against you... Massively. Any time you use a Luck Charge (and it works - so if you reroll and STILL fail this doesn't come into effect), the GM rolls a d10. If the value is equal to or less than the number of times you've used a Luck Charge without a problem (counting the one he's rolling for), then the GM can, at his convenience, pull a completely ridiculous negative circumstance of his choice against you - the consequence being highly variable, but no saving throw of any kind allowed, whatever it is. (Examples might include badly-timed pans falling on your head, or getting on the bad side of a swarm of cats.)
== M ==
== M ==
=== Massive Damage ===
:''Cost'': 10 points
:''Benefit'': The character knows how to make attacks inflict significantly more damage than normal. Your base damage for any attack you have influence over is increased by 2.
* (-4 to -8 points, GM's Discretion) This damage only applies to one general class of weapons - i.e. you only do the increased damage while using a sword, or only with a specific group of magic (Evocation or Fire for example).
=== Mechanical Genius ===
:''Cost'': 4 points
:''Benefit'': The character has an innate knack for working with mechanical devices of all sorts - the kind of person who reads the advanced technology device's manual in a few minutes, then figures out how to fix it in an hour or two. Their Disable Device skill can also be used to repair or even build technological contraptions.
: All mechanically-oriented checks where taking 20 is allowed can be done in half the usual time.
* (4 points) Taking 20 can be done in one-fifth the usual time - just as long as Taking 10 would represent.
=== Mimic ===
:''Cost'': 20 points
:''Benefit'': The caracter can attempt to mimic other's actions. Upon making an appropriate check (Spellcraft for magic, knowledge checks for creature specials, or the like) at a suitable DC (base 15, going up for more powerful specials), they can use that ability. Attempting the check and using the ability is done in the same action length (which matches the action length of the ability as used normally).
: Naturally, this requires a ''lot'' of DM council as to how precisely this works - which can vary by campaign.
* (-5 points) Spells only.
=== Mind Manipulation ===
:''Cost'': 12 points
:''Benefit'': The character is capable of controlling the minds and/or actions of others by one means or another. By default, they can use it on any being with at least 3 Intelligence.
:Control is initiated as a full-round action. The ''attacker'' must make a Will "save" of DC 10 plus the target's Intelligence modifier. If they succeed, the victim may attempt a Will Save against DC 15 plus the attacker's Wisdom modifier. Failure means control is established. While the precise details can vary, the effects are similar to ''Dominate Person''. (This can represent their thought patterns being forcibly overwritten, their bodies moving against their natural will, or all manner of other effects.) The effects last for one day.
:At any dramatic moment, or when ordered to do something against their nature, the victim can try to break free of the influence - making this save at a +2 bonus if the action is undesirable, or +6 bonus if the action is especially so (say, attacking an ally).
:Victims usually do not remember what happened while controlled.
:Taking concentrated study on a subject for a day or two - particularly if they are captive - can provide a +5 to the user's will check and save DC.
* (2 points, repeatable) The character receives a +1 bonus to their attempts to initiate control, and the save DC to resist increases by 1.
* (4 points) The effects last for one week instead of one day.
* (8 points) The effects last for one month instead of one day.
* ("0" points) The character is capable of "burning" single commands into the victim (including things like introducing a long-term phobia) - these commands do not time out. The character must make a separate check for each command.
* (-2 points) The effects last for only one hour.
* (-2 points) The ability works on an broad, setting-common, but not all-encompassing, category of beings ("humanoids" being the most basic). Can't stack with any other target-array limiter.
* (-4 points) The ability works on a wide variety of targets ("Humanoid males", "Beings potentially attracted to the user", or "Underdark humanoids"). Can't stack with any other target-array limiter.
* (-6 points) The ability only works on a moderate array of targets ("Arcane Spellcasters", "Divine Spellcasters", "Worshippers of this-or-that deity"). Can't stack with any other target-array limiter.
* (-8 points) The ability only works on a highly specific array of targets ("Beings wearing cursed rings I developed - and not if they were put on against their will", "A specific family", "Beings who I've placed chips in the brains of"). Can't stack with any other target-array limiter.
* (-6 points) The control only works on one subject at a time.
* (-2 points) Victims remember what they did while under control.
* (-4 points) The effect only charms the victims, making them fall in love with the character. They will be Helpful to the character, but she cannot attempt to order them to do things against their nature - they don't get a Will save to break control, but simply ''will not'' do it.
* (-6 points) The effect only charms the victims into thinking of the character as a friend. See ''Charm Person''.
== N ==
== N ==
=== Natural Armor ===
:''Cost'': 3 points
:''Benefit'': The character's skin is tougher than a normal human's. They gain a +1 Natural bonus to their Armor Class.
* (3 points, repeatable) An additional +1 Natural bonus to their Armor Class.
=== Natural Weapons ===
:''Cost'': 2 points
:''Benefit'': The character has a natural weapon. Select one from the standard list.
: All mechanically-oriented checks where taking 20 is allowed can be done in half the usual time.
* (2 points, Bite attack) The character can 'hold onto' the bite after landing it, continuing to inflict damage in subsequent rounds. These are automatically successful. The opponent can break the hold as if it were a Grapple, and the user can't defend as well while doing so (-4 to AC).
* (2 points, Gore attack) The character's charges when using the Horn to attack are extra-effective, dealing an additional 1d6 damage.
* (1 point, Tentacle attack) The character gets a +2 bonus to all Grapple-related checks due to the flexibility of the limb.
== O ==
== O ==
=== Organizatonal Ties ===
:''Cost'': Variable.
:''Benefit'': The character has connections to an organization of power within the campaign. An organization that wields moderate power is worth one point, significant power two points, great power three points, and massive power four points. They can expect to be called on for favors, but in turn can call on favors of their own with that organization.
: If you're at a heroing school, the student council would count as significant or even great power. If you're centered around one city, that city's Mafia and Nobility would ''both'' be of Great power.
* (As base cost, repeatable) The character wields greater power in the organizaton. By level (number of times this modifier is taken):
** Respected position such as a landed knight or corporate junior executive. They have some status and wealth.
** Middle rank such as a feudal lord, corporate vice president, or criminal captain who runs a neighborhood. (Or a junior congressman.)
** Senior rank such as a US Senator, senior vice-president in a coporation, or feudal baron.
** Controlling rank - US State Governor, corporate president, or mafia leader.
** Controlling rank across many organizations - "boss of bosses" of many crime families, or ruler of a small nation.
** Add one if the organization's influence is international at the level you're at. Add two if it's flat-out campaign-world-wide.
== P ==
== P ==
=== Piloted Robot ===
:''Cost'': 16 points
:''Benefit'': The character owns and knows how to use a piloted robot, powered armor, or advanced vehicle. The exact details will ''necessarily'' involve ludicrous amounts of GM involvement - to the point where no modifiers are provided.
: If the DM wants mechanics, for now, they are advised to get the ''d20 Mecha'' SRD, and start with a 400-point robot, at least for now.
=== Precise Fingers ===
:''Cost'': 3 points
:''Benefit'': Your sense of touch is far more honed than a normal person's. You receive a +5 bonus on any check where being able to feel even the tiniest vibrations would help (such as Disable Device checks).
=== Pressure Adaptation ===
:''Cost'': 2 character points
:''Benefit'': The character is adapated to high-pressure environments (such as deep water). The character only needs to make saves against pressure-related damage every ten minutes (instead of every one), and gains a +5 bonus towards these saves.
* (4 points) The character is immune to damage from high-pressure environments entirely.
== Q ==
== Q ==
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== S ==
== S ==
=== Scent ===
:''Cost'': 3 points
:''Benefit'': Gain the Scent ability. Simple enough right?
=== Skill Training ===
:''Cost'': 1 poiont
:''Benefit'': You've got more training in skills than an ordinary individual of your class and level. +2 Skill Points.
* (1 point, repeatable) Gain another 2 skill points
=== Silence Creation ===
:''Cost'': 4 points
:''Benefit'': The character can create a ''zone of silence'' in a 30' area.
* (2 points) The effect only prevents sound from entering or leaving the zone, and isn't a true zone of silence.
=== Smoke Adaptation ===
:''Cost'': 1 character point
:''Benefit'': The character is adapted to better handle smoke, smog, and the like. It never needs to make saves against Smoke effects.
== T ==
== T ==
=== Temperature Control ===
:''Cost'': 3 points
:''Benefit'': The character can alter tempratures in a 30' area, making that area's temprature be anything from severe cold (-20 F) to severe heat (110 F). It can take time to change temprature, especially to severe amounts.
* (-2 points) The character can only increase or decrease the temprature by 30 degrees F, rather than the entire range.
* (2 points, repeatable) increase the area by 15'.
=== Turn Undead ===
:''Cost'': 6 points
:''Benefit'': The character is able to Turn Undead, as the Cleric ability, 3 + Charisma modifier times per day. Use your primary class level in place of your Cleric Level.
* (-2 points) The character can not destroy undead with this power, only make them flee.
* (4 points) If the creature's hit dice are less than two-thirds of the cleric's level, then they are Destroyed instead of Turned on a successful Turn Undead.
* (2 points, repeatable) The character can Turn Undead one more time per day.
== U ==
== U ==
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== W ==
== W ==
=== Wealthy ===
:''Cost'': 8 points
:''Benefit'': The character is far wealthier than is normal for their level. They have access to resources a typical adventurer would lack, and can be safely assumed to have real estate holdings, investments, etc.
: The character's assets and investments total at least 10,000 GP per level, ,and they can easily pull 1,000 GP a month out without significantly damaging it (due to rents, investment payoffs, etc.)
* (4 points) Their richness is ludicrous - 100,000 GP per level.
* (8 points) Their richness is at Nagi Sanzenin levels - in the multiple millions of GP, with mansions, armies of servants, et cetera. The GM has to approve this, because it's a ''guaranteed'' campaign-changer.
=== Weather Control ===
:''Cost'': 5 points
:''Benefit'': The character can manipulate the weather in a 30' area, similar to the ''Control Weather'' spell (and similarly limited by the season and climate of the area).
* (-3 points) The character can only create one weather condition. (Whether that condition can be created in spite of being inappropriate for the area is at the GM's option.)
* (2 points, repeatable) increase the area by 15'.
== X ==
== X ==
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== Z ==
== Z ==
== Tags skipped ==
These tags from BESM d20 have been skipped for possible future implementation
* Art of Distraction
* Computer Scanning
* Exorcism is partially skipped, but has been partially replaced with Turn Undead.
* Flunkies has been replaced by Leadership.
* Heightened Senses has been replaced with Honed Sight, Honed Hearing, Darkvision... Really, a bunch of traits.
* Hyperflight has been abandoned, due to it's... ''Highly'' limited utility for characters in a fantasy campaign. Use Teleport, Plane Shift, or the like to represent this!
* Item of Power has been skipped; use the d20 equipment rules. Rules for adding tags to items will be provided later.
* Magic has been skipped ''for now'' - if you want to do things you could do with it that aren't already available as spells one way or another, just homebrew up a variant spell.
* Metamorphosis skipped for now until reading up on ''Polymorph'' is completed.
* Personal Gear is ignored - use the normal gold/item rules, or a concentrated version of the Wealth mechanic.
* Pet Monster is skipped ''for now'' due to the existing Animal Companion and Familiar rules.
== Tags to add ==
These tags represent d20 abilities not available yet, that should be added.
* Incropreality

Current revision as of 19:34, 16 August 2010

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