Frogame 2

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• Standard HP generation (first full, then rolled)
• Standard HP generation (first full, then rolled)
• Character level 10th.
• Character level 10th.
===Generated Characters===
===Generated Characters===
*[ Alvis - Archivist/Shadowcaster]<br>
*[ Alvis (Gralamin) - Archivist/Shadowcaster]<br>
*[ Tajiki - Factotum/Incarnate]
*[ Angelus Lucien (Ozymandias) - Psion(Telepath) / Beguiler / Cerebremancer]
*[ Caellach - Duskblade]
**[ Angelus's Character Theme]
**[ House Lucien: Totally Not Evil, We Swear!]
*[ Caellach (Emerald) - Duskblade]
**[ Caellach's picture  (Warning: Site NSFW)]
*[ Nolan (UglyPanda) - Totemist / Barbarian / Totem Rager]
*[ Oceane Lucien (NekoIncardine) - Bard]
*[ Tajiki (jeek) - Factotum/Incarnate]
*[ Emma Vinter (Raiven) - Ranger/Scorpion Heritor (Scorpion form on Sheet 2)]
**[ Emma's picture]
**[ Another picture of Emma]
*[ Kress]
==== Character Journals ====
===Awesome Points===
Players can spend their Awesome Points to accomplish one of the following:<br><br>
• Reroll a d20 roll you have just made.<br>
• Add +1d6 to the result of a d20 roll.<br>
If a player has the APs to spend, he or she may do both of these on the same roll.
==Provinces of Ivalice==
==Provinces of Ivalice==
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===Duchy of Gallione===
===Duchy of Gallione===
A French-inspired nation of lords and knighthood, the wealthy Gallione is a large duchy under Duke Danroth, a cousin of the throne and leader in Parliament. Gallione is one of the most powerful provinces in Ivalice, though secessionist talk in the city of Gariland threatens a civil war.
A French-inspired nation of lords and knighthood, the wealthy Gallione is a large duchy under Duke Danroth, a cousin of the throne and leader in Parliament. Gallione is one of the most powerful provinces in Ivalice, though secessionist talk in the city of Gariland threatens a civil war.
====Viscounty of Lenalia====
A lesser-populated, mountainous part of Gallione, Lenalia is the central part of the Duke's Road that connects Danroth and Igros to the King in Lesalia. The Viscount Lucien considers care of the Road his highest duty.
=====Barony of Ardennes=====
A somewhat prosperous town governed by the Viscount's son, Baron Angelus Lucien, and a local Reeve of the Aster. It is a valuable waypoint for travelers of the Duke's Road.
=====Barony of Marne=====
A wealthy town on the lower mountains at the westernmost edge of Lenalia and the Duke's Road, Marne has become rich through the avaricious dealings of Baron Arturo Giraud, a notorious womanizer who has designs on the Viscounty.
====Magocracy of Gariland====
====Magocracy of Gariland====
The city of Gariland is home to the finest academies of war, magic and classical education in Gallione; it is also a powerful city-state nearly fully autonomous from the rest of Gallione. The magocracy which rules the city has been increasingly individualist of late, especially given the growing following of St. Iocus among the Church elite. The leading Archmage, Norca Zantaire, has lent public support to Cardinal Thiere, whose stance on magic is the most liberal of the three leaders of Glabados.
The city of Gariland is home to the finest academies of war, magic and classical education in Gallione; it is also a powerful city-state nearly fully autonomous from the rest of Gallione. The magocracy which rules the city has been increasingly individualist of late, especially given the growing following of St. Iocus among the Church elite. The leading Archmage, Norca Zantaire, has lent public support to Cardinal Rasmussen, whose stance on magic is the most liberal of the three leaders of Glabados.
====Ecclesiastical Precinct of Murond====
====Ecclesiastical Precinct of Murond====
Line 83: Line 110:
4th in succession: Galan Fernand Thierry Magnus, Count of Dorter<br>
4th in succession: Galan Fernand Thierry Magnus, Count of Dorter<br>
5th in succession: Antonio Mads Magnus, Viscount of Zaland<br>
5th in succession: Antonio Mads Magnus, Viscount of Zaland<br>
6th in succession: Niels Eduardo Magnus, Baron of Grogh<br>
6th in succession: Niels Eduardo Magnus, Viscount of Grogh<br>
7th in succession: Madeleise Geneviève Danroth, Countess of Igros<br>
7th in succession: Marianne Geneviève Danroth, Countess of Igros<br>
===The King's Parliament===
Parliament is comprised of two separate chambers, the Grand Parliament and the Senate. As the monarchy has significant control over the latter, the former has become of greater importance, much to the Senators' chagrin.
Grand Parliament in theory encompasses all nobles who rule a barony or greater, and all bishops and abbots of Glabados; however, in practice, few nobles below Viscount status routinely attend unless Full Roll is convoked, and abbots are rarely ever present and are not compelled to attendance even under parliamentary convocation. Bishops normally attend only when ecclesiastcal matters are concerned, and the archbishops' presence means that only those bishops not represented by an attending superior will present themselves at Parliament.
The Senate is comprised of the Cardinals of the church, an Archmage of Gariland, and nobles of Count or higher status. The Monarch is represented in the Senate by a Royal Minister, two Royal Judges and the Royal Speaker; in addition, three Princes hold the title of Count in addition to their own, and are entitled to sit in the Senate. As such, the monarchy has a strong presence in this body.
Parliament is currently centered around three major factions.
====The Monarchists====
Formerly the majority, and still the largest single political bloc in Parliament, the Monarchists (known colloquially as '''Walls''' from the jibe "the King will keep high the walls") are formally grouped by their position that the monarchy should retain its Senatorial privilege. In practice, however, the Walls stand behind the current geopolitical position of Ivalice, with its borders largely closed save at select ports, and its military divided into the knightly Orders to reinforce internal government. The Walls split from the more conservative elements of the Glabados Church in their continued assertion of the current Senate's arrangement, and are cautiously tolerant of magic and wizardry. Duke Lannast heads the Monarchists; other important figures include Archcount Rochester of Limberry, Lord Tiesland and Cardinal Rasmussen. The Walls have been courting Prince Irgan, but despite his association with several of their members, he has declared himself politically independent.
====The Parliamentarians====
A growing power bloc in Parliament, this group (also known as '''Quills''') is opposed to the continuance of the monarchy's Senatorial privileges, though rather specifically to the Senatorial representatives of the monarch himself. In real practice, however, the Quills want Parliament to take legislative and judicial authority away from the knights and centralize power within the Senate anew. This would largely demilitarize the country and open borders for trade with Romanda and Ordalia. Duke Danroth leads the Parlimentarians; his followers include Lord Vespertine (a contemporary of the elder princes in Lesalia), Markgraf Wagner of Sal Ghidas & Rohrstock, and Lord Nordrich. The Quills have been attempting to court the young Prince Galan, but so far have sen little success.
====The Federalists====
An insurgent party that has swelled in popularity of late, the Federalists (or '''Spears''') wish to disband the legislative powers of the monarchy in the upper chamber entirely and authorize Parliament-appointed Judges to assume municipal and judicial power. The Spears include a sizeable number of archbishops eager to regain influence among the people, and an understated but very real part of their doctrine includes removing the Archmage seat from the Senate and compelling Gallione to take Gariland in hand and disband that city's autonomous government. They would also dispatch the knightly Orders to the borders of Ivalice as a military force, with debate raging as to the prospect of imperialist action from that position. Duke Gallis is at the forefront of this bloc; his allies include Marquis Séraphin of Zeakden, Marquéz Navarro of Yardow, Lord Lidelse of the Crescent Order and Cardinal Thierry. Prince Trencian has expressed interest in some of the Spears' positions, but firmly maintains a distance from the bloc as a whole and has not publicly met with Gallis.
====The Patricians====
A small group of lesser nobles united as a kernel of a political movement, the Patricians (Pats, or more derisively '''Hats''') move to increase provincial presence in the Senate via renewal of/creation of dukedoms for Lionel and Limberry, as well as commensurate peerage privileges and the station of a Grand Duke to have formal charge over territories in Lesalia not formally ruled or dispensated to heirs by the monarch. They face stiff opposition from most other voices in Parliament, whether it be those whose power would be diluted by a larger Senate, those who would not stand to benefit from additional provincial peerage, or those who already hold a strong peerage and doubt their chances of bettering themselves in the face of new patronages being granted.
====The Lords-Spiritual====
The abbots, bishops and archbishops granted seats in Parliament. The divisions within the Church tend to influence the political leanings of the respective Lords-Spiritual, and as such no one bloc is entirely supported by the priesthood. The lower echelons tend not to present themselves to chambers unless Full Roll is convoked, but some bishops do dabble in the political from their own dioceses, meeting directly with the nobles of their parish to express their opinions.
====Independent Nobles====
The majority of the lesser nobility attaches itself to their betters and patrons in Parliament, hence their general nonattendence in chambers. Some few of these, however, choose to skew their own way, cultivating no patronage from their immediate lord, but possibly gaining the eye of another in need of a few more votes in his corner. Certain stronger nobles also stand independent, though most have been successfully courted by one of the Dukes. The Princes are formally at liberty to select their own political allegiance, although traditionally all but a few have been either Monarchist or independent, and so far the eldest have held to this unspoken rule.
===Ranks of the Nobility===
'''Styles of Address:''' (Duchy), Duke of (Duchy), Your Grace, Duke<br>
'''Examples:''' Gallione, Duke of Gallione<br>
A rank held by the leaders of the Great Houses, the dukedom is, in absence of a Grand Duke, the highest peerage in Ivalice, holding estates and privileges second only to the Monarch himself. There are four formal Dukedoms held in letters-patent, though only three are currently in issue. Each Duke is invested with a formal military role in their province, and holds full jurisdiction above the Judges, save for Royal Judges. Dukes are historically leaders in Parliament, have close connections with the throne, and are stationed to serve as Regent when the need arises, a tradition Parliament has contested of late. Dukes are accorded seats in the Senate.
'''Styles of Address:''' (March), Marquis of (March), Lord (March), My Lord<br>
'''Examples:''' Yardow, Marquis of Yardow, Lord Yardow<br>
This title is granted to those who rule a March, a border territory at risk of attack or occupation. Though no distinction is made between a Grand March and a Low March officially, there is an unwritten precedence given to a Grand Marquis. At present, the "Southern Marches" sit without appointed rulers. Limberry has officially been classed as a March for three centuries, and the title Duke of Limberry has been sealed to the now-ended line that once held it. To avoid provocation of Ordalia and to keep a civil discourse open, Limberry operates under the guidance of the Church and has had no Marquis since the time of Elmdor, a century ago. Marquisses are granted seats in the Senate.
'''Styles of Address:''' As Count<br>
A courtesy styling held by the lord of House Rochester, in Limberry, to elevate him above other Counts of that province and others.
'''Styles of Address:''' Count (surname), Count of (countship), My Lord,  Your Lordship<br>
'''Examples:''' Count Rochester, Count of Limberry<br>
Counts hold the highest conventional rank and are the primary vassals of both the Dukes and the King. Countships are the largest and most valubale territories in Ivalice, and their rulers bear the authority to issue letters-patent to the creation of lesser peerages from their own realms. The heir of a Count's house is granted the title of Viscount until they become head of House themselves.
'''Styles of Address:''' The Viscount (surname), the Viscount (viscounty), the Viscount (surname) of (viscounty), the Viscount (viscounty) of (province), My Lord<br>
'''Examples:''' The Viscount Lucien, The Viscount Lenalia, The Viscount Lucien of Lenalia, The Viscount Lenalia of Gallione.
'''Styles of Address:''' Lord (surname), Baron (barony), Your Lordship, (Barony)<br>
'''Examples:''' Lord Lucien, Baron Ardennes, Ardennes.
==State of Political Affairs==
While the Grand Parliament debates legislation and the Senate works to confirm it, the state of Ivalice's current issues goes beyond procedure and into serious maneuvering and backroom dealing. The Senate is replete with cunning men of ambition and greed, and their intrigues form an important backdrop for the tableau of live in Ivalice.
===The Issues===
Here are the most pressing issues being debated in Parliament at present:
Though Ivalice is composed of five ducal provinces and one Grand Duchy, there are only three Dukes instated at present. The '''Patricians''', and to a lesser extent the '''Federalists,''' are interested in having the Dukedoms of Lionel and Limberry restored, with commensurate lesser titles portioned out appropriately. They have received some modest degree of support from the '''Parliamentarians,''' but the '''Monarchists''' have imposed a lack of serious debate on the issue, aided by the '''Lords-Spiritual,''' who wish to keep Limberry in the hands of the Church (and possibly restore the Church's rule of Lionel under a fourth Cardinal).
====Foreign Relations====
There are four major nations proximate to Ivalice: Romanda, an island nation and technological powerhouse with a strong navy; Valendia, a powerful and wealthy nation of intrigue with ties to the Church of Iocus; Kerwon, a wilder land rich in natural resources lying across the sea; and Ordalia, an ambitious military power with territory stretching into the far east. The '''Monarchists''' support diplomatic exchanges between Ivalice and these four nations, as well as cautious trade with Ordalia at the border and reasonably open trade with Kerwon's ports via the city of Warjilis. The '''Parliamentarians''' wish to open the Ordalian border fully (a position meeting resistance from Ordalia) as well as open dealings with Romanda and far Valendia. Both of these powers are willing to enter into trade negotiations. The '''Federalists''', meanwhile, seek to close the Ordalian border and create a naval embargo to separate Romanda, Ordalia and Valendia, fearing a future invasion and hoping the pre-emptive act will destroy any possible collusion between those countries. It is also rumored that they have an interest in conquering either Romanda or Kerwon.
Separate but related to the issue of magic is the concerning behavior of the city of Gariland. Growing more and more independent and assertive, the Magic City has been making increasingly onerous demands on its province and Ivalice as a whole, sending out a fleet into Gallione's waters that monitors all ships traveling to and from Murond, planting spies in Dorter, Warjilis and Goug (some of which have been discovered), and demanding representation in Parliament and the Senate. Their Archmage, Norca Zantaire, has been called to account several times by Parliament, but each time has either ignored the summons or given them a disrespectful response. The '''Monarchists''' want to censure the city's lords and have Zantaire replaced, while the '''Federalists''' and the '''Lords-Spiritual''' want the city placed immediately under martial rule and ceded to the Knights and the Church for remediation. The '''Parliamentarians''' have also spoken out against the flippant Zantaire, but have deflected any pushes towards a punitive action, instead making minor concessions while attempting to negotiate for same.
The strength of monsters and lawless wild magic slowly swells across Ivalice, and even though the populace is unaware of the shadows beyond the corners of their eyes, foul beasts test the fringes of civilization and seek to push inwards. Keeping the wild and evil things at bay are the holy Palings erected by the priests of Glabados, but these require constant upkeep and seem far too small to protect all of Ivalice. The Church has demanded more influence in exchange for widening the coverage of their Palings, and the threat of the barriers' removal keeps all nobles on edge. The '''Monarchists''' wish to keep the Church at its present strength, reinforcing the Palings at the heart of civilization and relying on the Knights to protect the outskirts. The '''Federalists''' believe that a stronger Church is a stronger people, and oppose any central mandate from Lesalia on this issue, preferring that each state take charge of the safety of its lands by whatever means it must. The '''Parliamentarians''' are undecided on this issue, contrasting their desire for a consolidated and independent Senate with the need to keep the people safe without the ever-present Knights.
====The Rebellion/Appeasement====
The Blue Moon Rebellion emerged as a rallying banner for unrest a few months back down in Lionel, contesting the power of the Knighthoods and decrying the burdens of consumption and taxation the Orders impose on the people. While their strikes so far have been against bastions of the Orders' strength (such as Zaland), it is feared that allowing this internal conflict to swell will draw the opportunistic and the unscrupulous out to take advantage of the lawlessness. The '''Parliamentarians''' sympathize with the rebels' plight and look towards a reduction in the Orders' reserve strength as an appeasement tactic until negotiations can be made. The '''Federalists''' believe that Parliament should butt out and let each province and its Order deal with the rebels as it sees fit. The '''Monarchists''' are not in favor of negotiations, and until such time as the rebellion acts against civilian targets and interests, they hold that the Orders should be instructed to treat rebels as normal criminals.
====Validation of Succession====
The nobles of Parliament are themselves constrained to grant hereditary titles and succession rights to legitimate blood descendants, confirmed by the Church and from a union sanctified by the Church. They seek to extend similar, though more binding, rules to the monarch himself (who in theory obeys them in any event) which would allow Parliament to demand a full Validation of any potential successor to the throne of Ivalice. The criteria they wish to utilize are quite stringent. Though Lannast and the '''Monarchists''' supported the Act that authorized Validation in exchange for votes on another matter, they are now concerned with reducing the severity of the Validation hearings. However, they are opposed by both the '''Parliamentarians''' and the '''Federalists,''' as the former drafted the Act and the latter feel it does not go far enough.
====Writs of Jurisdiction====
The Knightly Orders are each based in a single province, with the exception of Lesalia's Order of the Crescent (the core of the armies of Ivalice), and have jurisdiction and operating rights only within their own province, save when given special dispensation via Writ of Passage or equivalent document. The '''Federalists''' want Parliament to authorize the drawing-up of Writs of Jurisdiction, which would allow Knights of any Order concerned full jurisdiction in other provinces over a matter originating in their own. Both the '''Parliamentarians''' and the '''Monarchists''' are opposed.
===The Players===
====Aroldain Lannast, Duke of Zeltennia====
<div style="float: left;"></div>The Duke of Zeltennia is widely regarded as an intellect without peer; a military leader who earned several accolades in the Archadian Wars, the ''Red Eagle'' has since become a political powerhouse, leading the '''Monarchists''' in Parliament and steering the Senate with a majority in seven of the last twelve years. A devout churchgoer, Lannast has maintained close ties with Glabados through his friend Bishop Merachai of Zeltennia. The Duke and Duchess have six children, the oldest of whom (in a surprise move which has Lannast's foes buzzing) has been instated as the Count of Kassel and introduced at Parliament, and is said to be courting the daughter of Danroth. The second son, widely considered the favorite for that countship, is rumored to have run away from home; Lannast has refused to participate in any discourse on the subject. Recently, the Duke took a major loss by supporting the Validation Act in a vote exchange to bolster his own Imperial Viceroy Contingency Act; in tandem, these two events have served to deal a sharp blow to Lannast's power, a situation which the ambitious Duke means to rectify.<br><br><br>
====Fernand Danroth, Duke of Gallione====
<div style="float: left;"></div> The oldest Duke in Ivalice, Danroth is a member of the previous royal family (his sister was Queen until her death, and the three eldest Princes are his nephews). As such, he enjoys unparalleled access to the Throne and a close friendship with the King, a state of affairs that grates on his peer and chief rival, Aroldain Lannast. Danroth leads the '''Parliamentarians''' and has helped them grow into a major political bloc, contending with Lannast's Monarchists and dueling fiercely with Gallis' Federalists. Danroth is concerned with Gariland's aggressive posturing, and has been making overtures to the Church to aid him in pressuring the Magic City. Danroth is a widower with two children; his son has been excluded from the line of succession due to serious infirmity. Though his son costs him political capital, Danroth treats both of his children with remarkable love and compassion. He has taken the forefront in Parliament on the issue of the Blue Moon Rebellion, and has recently acceded to a push by the Federalists and members of his own party to revoke his own succession rights as a negotiation tactic for some future favor. In Gallione, the Duke is generally very well-liked, though he has frustrated and insulted some of his nobles by investing his son as Marquis of Mandalia, a territory which is a Countship, not a March.<br><br>
====Emidio Gallis, Duke of Fovoham====
<div style="float: left;"></div> The youngest Duke of Ivalice and a fiery political upstart, Gallis entered the realm of politics carrying baggage from the actions of his warmongering father. He was instrumental in strengthening the Knightly Orders during the second Archadian War and has moved to increase the military power of the kingdom ever since, regaining political favor by single-handedly forming the '''Federalist''' bloc. Incredibly cunning, but also manipulative, opportunistic and vicious, Gallis is obsessed with wealth and control. He also desires to disperse the power of the monarchy, and has made overtures to the Patricians. Gallis runs the highest single provincial tax in Ivalice, and is said to own at least 1/3rd of the legal seagoing vessels in the kingdom (though rumors place the number at closer to 1/2 of ''all'' seagoing vessels in the kingdom). The Duke is no crime lord, however; he is a fierce advocate of a particularly harsh and unforgiving brand of justice, which has earned him the approval of some in the Church. Gallis is not particularly close with his family; he is rumored to have exiled one of his sons, and the other two children have gladly taken lesser titles with lands far from their father's estates.<br><br><br>
===Latest Events===
====Motion to Appoint in Preparation an Imperial Viceroy, November 1====
'''Proposed:''' Count Rochester, Limberry [M]<br>
'''Seconded:''' Count Quintana, Fovoham [F]<br>
'''Concurring:''' Marquis Séraphin, Gallione [F], Cardinal Anselm [LS], Viscount Cassano, Lionel [IsM]<br>
This Motion, in accordance with the Imperial Viceroy Contingency Act, would name and lawfully appoint the presumptive Imperial Viceroy as laid out in the terms of the previously-mentioned Act. Count Rochester named as his appointee Duke Aroldain Lannast of Zeltennia. The motion received universal support from the Monarchists, strong support among the Lords-Spiritual and some sparse support among the Parliamentarians and Federalists. However, the expected surge in Federalist support on the heels of Lannast's negotiations with that party did not come to pass. It is suspected that Duke Gallis may have blocked much of his party from standing for this motion, but did not warn Séraphin or Quintana, whose active support in bringing the motion to the floor would have needed to be apparent for Lannast to permit his own party to stand for the measure.
'''Motion Not Passed'''
====Abdication of Succession, November 2====
'''Proposed:''' Duke Danroth, Gallione [P]<br>
In accordance with the stated wishes of Parliament, and acknowledging his own advanced years, Duke Fernand Danroth formally removed himself from the line of succession to the Throne of Ivalice. His daughter Marianne remains sixth in the line of succession.
====Motion to Invalidate Royal Privilege, November 2====
'''Proposed:''' Count Canterbury, Limberry [F]<br>
'''Seconded:''' Count Quintana, Fovoham [F]<br>
'''Concurring:''' Marquis Séraphin, Gallione [F], Duke Gallis, Fovoham [F], Cardinal Thierry [LS]<br>
This Motion, in accordance with the Validation Act, would on evidence collected and presented by Count Canterbury call the sons of the Queen Consort into question. The Queen is accused of having extramarital affairs with two lords, and the parentage of her children is thus in question. Testimony from one of the accused revealed his trueborn children greatly resemble the Queen's eldest, while the latter lord exchanged correspondence of a singularly intimate nature with the Queen over the course of years.
'''Motion Passed by Royal Decree'''
===Golden Templarate===
===Glabados Church===
====Golden Templarate====
'''Leaders:''' Staffan, Cardinal Rasmussen; the Sacred Peerages Templar<br>
A group of Paladins in service to the Church of Glabados as a whole; currently under the direction of the triune of Cardinals, and supervised from Lesalia. Cardinal Rasmussen informally directs this templarate, and Cardinal Anselm retains nearly zero influence with this templarate.
A group of Paladins in service to the Church of Glabados as a whole; currently under the direction of the triune of Cardinals, and supervised from Lesalia. Cardinal Rasmussen informally directs this templarate, and Cardinal Anselm retains nearly zero influence with this templarate.
===Crimson Templarate===
====Crimson Templarate====
'''Leaders:''' Cardew, Cardinal Anselm; the High Inquisitor; the Red Cavalier (post currently absent)<br>
Ostensibly the personal honor guard of the Cardinals, the Crimson Templarate has largely fallen under the command of Cardinal Anselm. Their cavaliers and inquisitors have a certain level of authority in each province, but most of all in Limberry.
Ostensibly the personal honor guard of the Cardinals, the Crimson Templarate has largely fallen under the command of Cardinal Anselm. Their cavaliers and inquisitors have a certain level of authority in each province, but most of all in Limberry.
===White Templarate===
====White Templarate====
'''Leaders:''' Etienne, Cardinal Thierry; the Archbishops of Glabados; Christoph Nikolaus, High Celebrant of the Iocan Revelations<br>
The soldiers of the Church, including many priests-militant. Operating out of Mullonde, they are supervised by the Celebrants under Cardinal Thiere of Gallione.
The soldiers of the Church, including many priests-militant. Operating out of Mullonde, they are supervised by the Celebrants under Cardinal Thiere of Gallione.
===Knightly Orders===
====Order of the Aster====
'''Leaders:''' Duke Fernand Danroth, Lord-Captain; Clovis Chanel, Lord-Commander; Matthieu Séraphin, Lord-Commander<br>
Based in Gallione.
====Order of the Crescent====
'''Leaders:''' Peron Nordrich, General of the Armies of Ivalice; Forst Straffe Lidelse, Lord-Captain<br>
Based in Lesalia.
====Order of the Sky====
Based in Limberry.
====Order of the Sun====
'''Leaders:''' Calum Tiesland, Lord-Captain<br>
Based in Lionel.
====Order of the Wave====
'''Leaders:''' Garland de Sépulveda, Lord-Captain <br>
Based in Fovoham.
====Order of the Winds====
'''Leaders:''' Duke Aroldain Lannast, Lord-Captain; Dieter Osterwache, Lord-Commander; Klaus Wagner, Lord-Commander<br>
Based in Zeltennia.
===The Blue Moon Rebellion===
'''Leaders:''' Unknown<br>
Originated in Lionel.
==The Arondight==
==The Arondight==
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Succumbing to the power of your curse too often can lead to the demon cracking the seal on the blade temporarily. While the results are unpredictable, they are universally bad.
Succumbing to the power of your curse too often can lead to the demon cracking the seal on the blade temporarily. While the results are unpredictable, they are universally bad.
==Summon Magic==
Conjuration (Summoning)<br>
Divine Caller 4, Sum 3<br>
'''Components:''' V, S, F<br>
'''Casting Time:''' 1 standard action<br>
'''Range:''' 30 ft.<br>
'''Effect:''' 1 conjured yarhi (Ramuh)<br>
'''Duration:''' 1d4 rounds + 1 round/5 levels (but see text)<br>
You summon the Yarhi of Ramuh, the Elder Justicar. Ramuh appears and acts at the very end of the initiative count. Ramuh has four abilities, each of which is a standard action:<br>
• Attack: Ramuh attacks with his staff, dealing 2d6 damage + 2d6 electric damage.<br>
• Lightning Bolt: Ramuh calls down a single bolt of lightning as per ''call lightning.'' Reflex (+2 DC) halves the damage dealt.<br>
• Mind Blast: Ramuh smites a target within 30 ft. with paralysis for 2d4 rounds. Will (-1 DC) negates.<br>
• Judgment Bolt: Ramuh unleashes this attack at a point within 30 ft., blasting a 45 ft. radius with divine lightning. Foes within the area take 10d6 electric damage. Reflex (+2 DC) halves the damage taken. Using this attack dismisses Ramuh.<br>
Ramuh cannot be summoned twice in the same hour, and cannot be summoned if banished or slain within the past 24 hours.
== Met NPCs ==
This list is being updated by Gralamin. Though he's liable to forget things.
{| class="zebra sortable" style="border: 1px solid darkgray;"
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Session Met
! scope="col" | Chapter
! scope="col" class="unsortable" | Brief Description
| Elaine
| 1
| 1
| A Knight in service of Angelus.
| <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Baron Arturo</span>
| 1
| 1
| A bastard and potential rival to Angelus. Died attacking the party after giving his title to Oceane.
| Cardinal Merachai
| 2
| 1
| Bishop of the Diocese of Zeltennia. Was at Damien's "Big Spooky Castle". Cardinal now.
| Conrad
| 2
| 1
| Member/Leader? Of the Blue Moon Rebellion. Appears to be actually intelligent. Has a holy stone.
| <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Rickard</span>
| 2
| 1
| Member/Leader? Of the Blue Moon Rebellion. Appears to be as much of a problem as Arturo. Totally is an Eunuch, has converted to the church.
| Damien Lucien
| 2
| 1
| Viscount of Lenalia, father of Angelus and Océane.
| Marianne Danroth
| 2
| 1
| Countess of Igros. Wants bloodshed to end. Sexy. Who knows where.
| <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Blaise Danroth</span>
| 2
| 1
| Marquis of Mandalia. Repulsive, pitiable man. Bloodthirsty moron. Died after becoming the vessel of a Lucavi.
| Fernand Danroth
| 3
| 1
| Duke. We told him of the plot with the forged documents.
| <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Séraphin</span>
| 3
| 1
| Marquis of Zeakden. Met at Danroth's estate.
| Danroth's Advisor
| 3
| 1
| Looks evil. Probably a traitor.
| Sir Clovis Chanel
| 4
| 1
| Sir Caellach's superior and third-in-command of the Aster Knights of Gallione.
| Sir Clement
| 4
| 1
| Incompetent baronet. Currently under arrest.
| Rolfe
| 4
| 1
| Insane rebel, brother of the rebel from the Duke's Road. Died trying to unleash the Dark.
| <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Anders</span>
| 5
| 2
| Knight of Crescent. Led us around town. Slightly dead now.
| Duke Aroldain Lannast
| 5
| 2
| One of the dukes. Met at the capital.
| <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Norca Zantaire</span>
| 5
| 2
| Archmage of Gariland, was with Duke Lannast. Also mentioned by Bishop Merachai.
| <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Mysterious Man</span>
| 5
| 2
| Does not truck in names. Claims that he will now employ Alvis. Said mages were sent by Lords of Cedar (Might be related to the Cedar Bloc mentioned by a count in passing). Died when the Lesalia ritual was disrupted.
| Alberde
| 5
| 2
| Son of Duke Lannast.
| Eric Séraphin
| 5.5
| 2
| Son of the Marquis of Zeakden, Federalist. Childhood friend/tormentor of Angelus. Seems nice. Rumored dead. Definitely alive.
| Viviana Séraphin
| 5.5
| 2
| Daughter of the Marquis of Zeakden. Childhood friend of the Luciens. Classic, blonde French beauty.
| Lord Pascal
| 5.5
| 2
| Monarchist and career politician. Knows Viscount Lucien.
| Baron of Aube
| 5.5
| 2
| One of the three Barons of Lenalia (Arturo and Angelus are the other two). Old Parliament hack and Quill, friend of Viscount Lucien, helps Angelus navigate his first day at Parliament.
| Brandt Lannast
| 7
| 2
| Duke Lannast's estranged son. Has managed to piss off far more people then us. Cardinal Anslem and Bishop Merachai have a warrant out for him.
| Nathaniel Lannast
| 8
| 2
| Brandt's brother in the church. Sadly believes the church knows better then him. 13 years old.
| <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Black Mage 1</span>
| 8
| 2
| A black mage driven insane by a suggestion spell. Ended up killed for being a traitor. After all, a  Giant struck off his head. He must be a traitor.
|Emidio Gallis
|The Duke of Gallis. Hates Conrad.
|Forst Lidelse
| 10
| 3
|Commander of the armies of Ivalice. Has a holy stone. Somehow overcame a full legion of knights with 40 men.
|Dark Caellach / Ardonight
| 11
| 3
|Caellach's sword when the seal is released taking over his body. Bad. Very bad.
|Christof Nikolaus
| 13
| 4
|Protege of Cardinal Thierry. Not trust worthy. Bit of a Smug Snake
|<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Garland</span>
| 16
| 5
|He Will knock you all down. In a bad German accent.
|<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Ser Gregor Brecht</span>
| 16
| 5
| Lord loyal to Lannast, escorted Papa Lucien to Lannast.
| King Lauritz
| 19
| 6
| King of the country, holds Libra. Bad ass. Actually helpful. He is going to kick our asses.
| Ashley Riot
| 19
| 6
| A man Holding the Blood-Sin from another country. From him we learned much... Including that someone else has a Blood-Sin in Ivalice right now.
| Cardinal Anslem
| 20
| 6
| A Cardinal who is an asshole.
| Baron Cloutier
| 28
| 8
| A weedy and ambitious baron.
== Lucavi ==
{| class="zebra sortable" style="border: 1px solid darkgray;"
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Stone
! scope="col" | Bonded to
! scope="col" class="unsortable" | Circumstances of Summoning
| '''Famfrit''', the Darkening Cloud
| Aquarius
| Blaise Danroth
| Unwilling. Danroth unknowingly agreed to the pact while bleeding from the nose due to a punch in the face. The presence of the Wellspring provided sufficient power to enforce the pact over his protests.
| '''Zeromus''', the Condemner
| Cancer
| Rickard Prossiper
| Willing. Rickard agreed to the pact while bleeding from multiple injuries sustained in combat.
| '''Shemhazai''', the Whisperer
| Sagittarius
| Unknown
| Extant. Shemhazai inhabited the body she possessed for decades, and had totally eclipsed the host's personality.
| '''Zalera''', the Death Seraph
| Gemini
| Norca Zantaire
| Presumed willing, extant. In the months between the fall of Lesalia and the siege of Gariland, Zantaire became entirely possessed by Zalera.
| '''Mateus''', the Corrupt
| Pisces
| Trencian Magnus
| Willing. Prince Trencian agreed to the pact to acquire the power he needed to destroy his father.
| '''Chaos''', Walker of the Wheel
| Taurus
| Forst Lidelse
| Presumed willing. It is unknown whether Lidelse was possessed before claiming the Taurus Stone at Fovoham Castle, or afterward.
{| class="zebra" style="border: 1px solid darkgray;"
! Name
! Description
| [ Overture]
| Game's introductory theme, used for plot exposition.
| [ Rebellion Battle Theme]
| Used for the Blue Moon Rebellion's attacks.
| [ Clash of Heroes]
| Used in battles involving Conrad.
| [ Plot of the Stones]
| Used when anyone plots with a Zodiac Stone.
| [ Victory!]
| Used at the close of a successful battle.
| [ Decisive Victory!]
| Used at the close of a chapter.
| [ Wilderness Encounter]
| Used for random battles while traveling.
| [ Lesalian Anthem]
| Used when the party is in Lesalia or dealing with the royal family.
| [ House of Parliament]
| Used for Dukes, the Senate and the Parliament.
| [ High Drama]
| Used for escalating tension.
| [ Creeping About]
| Used for sneaky missions.
| [ Great Monster]
| Used in the Behemoth battle.
| [ Templar]
| Used to introduce Kress of the Golden Templarate.
| [ The Traitor Sword]
| Theme of the Arondight.
| [ Counting Enemies]
| Used when fleeing a large enemy force.
| [ Appearance of the Lucavi]
| Used when a Lucavi arrives and begins destroying things.
| [ Power of Lucavi]
| Used for battles against a Lucavi demon.
| [ The Seductress]
| Theme of the fake "Mullenkamp" from Angelus' dream.
| [ Ancient Power]
| Used for battles against dragons or Forst Lidelse.
| [ Happy Ending]
| Used for Emma's departure from the party.
| [ Deceptive Malevolence]
| Used whenever (possibly undead) Eric Séraphin is mentioned.
| [ Religion]
| Used for Church events, like Kress' resurrection.
| [ Archmagus]
| Used in battles against Norca Zantaire.
| [ Armaments of Anarchy]
| Used in battles against the Ruinous Blades.
| [ Consecration]
| Used for high-ranking Templars.
| [ Dark Champion]
| Used when the Lucavi champion is mentioned.
==Anthem of Ivalice==
[ The music]<br>
♫ ''Instrumental bridge''<br>
''"Homeward" chords<br>
'''Verse 1''' ''(at 00:30)''<br>
Proud soldiers, they stood united<br>
Raised high the flag and spear<br>
Stalwart, ever undivided<br>
Fought through the blood-soaked year<br>
'''Chorus 1'''<br>
High the walls that held so true,<br>
High flew the banner billowing<br>
Bid the year be dawned anew:<br>
Sons of the kingdom homeward bring<br>
'''Verse 2'''<br>
Knights rode to the storm's horizon<br>
Van, flank, they met the foe<br>
Prayed, "Peace be the battle's prize", and<br>
Clashed, 'cross the crimson snow<br>
'''Chorus 2'''<br>
High the walls that held so true,<br>
High flew the standard we defend<br>
Bid the year be dawned anew:<br>
Sons of the kingdom homeward wend<br>
♪''Instrumental interlude''<br>
'''Bridge''' ''(at 01:42)''<br>
Proud thy father and mother, <br>
Honored, sister and brother <br>
Bear thy shield and mace with pride and with grace<br>
In the light of God the Father <br>
For the Crown all ye brave stand <br>
Guard thy children, thy homeland! <br>
On thy chocobo, ride hard through the snow<br>
Borne by faith and Monarch's command! <br>
'''Verse 3'''<br>
Lost children, our sons and daughters<br>
Kept high the flag and lance<br>
Fearless in the face of slaughter<br>
Forward the youths advanced!<br>
'''Chorus 3'''<br>
High the walls they held so true!<br>
High waves the pennant lives did buy<br>
Bid the year be dawned anew: <br>
Sons of the kingdom homeward fly<br>
Homeward, they fly!<br>

Current revision as of 04:25, 1 March 2012

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