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===Duchy of Gallione===
===Duchy of Gallione===
A French-inspired nation of lords and knighthood, the wealthy Gallione is a large duchy under Duke Danroth, a cousin of the throne and leader in Parliament. Gallione is one of the most powerful provinces in Ivalice, though secessionist talk in the city of Gariland threatens a civil war.
A French-inspired nation of lords and knighthood, the wealthy Gallione is a large duchy under Duke Danroth, a cousin of the throne and leader in Parliament. Gallione is one of the most powerful provinces in Ivalice, though secessionist talk in the city of Gariland threatens a civil war.
====Magocracy of Gariland====
The city of Gariland is home to the finest academies of war, magic and classical education in Gallione; it is also a powerful city-state nearly fully autonomous from the rest of Gallione. The magocracy which rules the city has been increasingly individualist of late, especially given the growing following of St. Iocus among the Church elite. The leading Archmage, Norca Zantaire, has lent public support to Cardinal Thiere, whose stance on magic is the most liberal of the three leaders of Glabados.
====Ecclesiastical Precinct of Murond===
Home to the great cathedral that is the heart of the Glabados church, Murond is an island ruled by religious authority, situated over the sunken ruins of the empire destroyed at Ajora's execution ages prior. Currently hosts Cardinal Thiere, but no High Confessor is in residence.
===Imperial State of Lesalia===
===Imperial State of Lesalia===
A Danish-inspired state that serves as the heart of Ivalice and hosts its capital and royal family, Lesalia is a large and bountiful territory administered by the Order of the Crescent on behalf of King and Parliament. It is the hub of the military forces of Ivalice proper and the seat of national government, with a Cardinal in residence to observe on behalf of the Church.
A Danish-inspired state that serves as the heart of Ivalice and hosts its capital and royal family, Lesalia is a large and bountiful territory administered by the Order of the Crescent on behalf of King and Parliament. It is the hub of the military forces of Ivalice proper and the seat of national government, with a Cardinal in residence to observe on behalf of the Church.
====Free City of Bervenia====
The historical birthplace of Saint Ajora and a full exclave of the Glabados Church, Bervenia is strategically located between Zeltennia and Lesalia and occupies a pivotal point on the northern routes. Forst Lidelse, the Lord-Captain of Lesalia's Crescent Knights, maintains his primary offices here and only rarely attends the King in the capital.
===Prefecture and Countship of Limberry===
===Prefecture and Countship of Limberry===

Revision as of 02:37, 16 March 2011

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