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'''At-Will (Su):''' Bite attack
'''Snake's Maw (Su):''' You gain a bite attack. This is a natural attack that deals 1d6 damage. If you have no other natural attacks, it is your primary natural attack; otherwise, it is a secondary natural attack.
'''Per Encounter (Su):''' venom on bite
'''Envenomed Fangs (Su):''' Once per encounter, you may infuse your bite attack with a potent venom. As an immediate action after biting an opponent, you may force them to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your druid level + your Cha modifier) or take an additional 1d6 plus your Charisma modifier points of damage immediately and damage equal to your Charisma modifier each round for the next minute.
'''Daily (Su):'''  
'''Serpent's Gullet (Su):''' Once per day, while grappling an opponent you have just bitten with your bite attack, you may attempt to swallow them whole with a successful Grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8 plus your Charisma modifier points of bludgeoning damage plus 2d6 points of acid damage per round from your gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal damage equal to or greater than 1/4 your maximum HP to the gizzard. Your gizzard uses your touch Armor Class. Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. You may only have one creature swallowed at a time, and you may only swallow a creature of your own size or smaller.
'''Passive (Su):''' constriction
'''Constricting Grasp (Su):''' On a successful grapple check, you deal damage equal to your unarmed strike damage. If you have a natural claw or slam attack, you may instead substitute that attack's damage.
'''Nature's Sign (Su):'''  
'''Nature's Sign (Su):''' Your skin becomes scaly, and your jaw gains the ability to unhinge. Short venomous fangs grow in your mouth, and your irises narrow into slits. While not in a warm environment (50° or warmer), you suffer a 10' penalty to your all your movement speeds.
'''Call (Su):'''
'''Call (Su):''' ''medium viper''

Revision as of 00:07, 28 June 2010

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