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<allpages gapfrom="Red Mage" />
<page pageid="2849" ns="0" title="Reap the Whirlwind">
<rev xml:space="preserve">{{Maneuver
| name = Reap the Whirlwind
| disc = Chthonic Serpent
| manType = Boost
| class1 = Swordsage
| class1level = 7
| class2 = Warblade
| class2level = 7
| prereq = Two Chthonic Serpent maneuvers
| time = 1 Swift Action
| range = Personal
| target = You
| dur = End of Turn
''Striking high and low, your relentless blows provide a tempest of death for your foes.''
After initiating this maneuver, you gain a free full-attack against the next foe you successfully Trip this turn.</rev>
<page pageid="2842" ns="0" title="Reap What Has Been Sown">
<rev xml:space="preserve">{{Maneuver
| name = Reap What Has Been Sown
| disc = Chthonic Serpent
| manType = Counter
| class1 = Swordsage
| class1level = 4
| class2 = Warblade
| class2level = 4
| prereq = One Chthonic Serpent maneuver
| time = 1 Immediate Action
| range = One melee attack
| target = One attacking creature
''Your weapons whip and twirl about you, providing an effective shield against attacks.''
At any point in which a foe is entering a square adjacent to you, you may initiate this maneuver to begin a grapple against them.</rev>